
28 in stock


ART is proud to introduce the Precision Phono Preamp for those seeking to connect their turntable to PA or stereo in one quick and easy step. This standalone phono preamp interfaces both types of turntable cartridges Moving Coil (MC) and Moving Magnet (MM) to a wide variety of audio systems.

The Precision Phono Preamp’s extraordinarily low noise amplifier allows connection to MC cartridges without picking up noise or distortion that transformers can exhibit. The audio is kept pristine with a low-cut filter to remove rumble and low frequency feedback, commonly undesirable for DJ’s and home use.

Analog inputs on the ART Precision Phono Pre amp are switchable between Moving Magnet and Moving Coil. The unit changes both the gain and the cartridge loading to suit the selected cartridge. The front gain trim control with the signal present/clip LED allows the user to optimize the output for a wide range of cartridges.

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Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

P.I. 12491290156


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