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Effetto Doppio Delay/Riverbero per Chitarra Elettrica

Nell’ormai lontano 2017 Mooer iniziava la collaborazione con il peso massimo del progressive metal Devin Townsend per produrre l'Ocean Machine, effetto per chitarra unico nel suo genere, che ha dato ai chitarristi la possibilità di sommare immensi effetti di riverbero, delay e looping per creare le proprie atmosfere ambientali e lussureggianti. Tuttavia, Mooer e Devin hanno fatto ora un ulteriore passo in avanti, presentando il nuovo ed aggiornato Ocean Machine II.



• Improved DSP algorithms for superior delay and reverb quality

• Nine distinct delay types that support up to 2 seconds of delay time: digital, analog, tape, echo, liquid, rainbow, crystal, low-bit, and fuzzy delays

• Nine hi-fidelity reverb types: room, hall, plate, distorted reverb, flanger reverb, filter reverb, reverse, spring, and modulated reverb

• Freeze feedback feature, supported for both delay and reverb effects

• Tap tempo footswitch functionality

• New and improved looper supporting up to 120 seconds of recording time, along with overdubbing capabilities, half-speed, and reverse effects.

• Customizable order of effects in parallel or series chains

• Flexible bypass options supporting both true bypass and DSP bypass

• Large LCD screen, controllable through twelve easy-to-use physical knobs for real-time parameter adjustments.

• Adjustable Global EQ Settings

• Full stereo inputs and outputs

• Synchronizable and mappable MIDI In and Thru support

• USB-C port for firmware updates

• External expression pedal support via TRS cable

• Support for the MOOER F4 wireless footswitch (sold separately)

• Designed for durability and reliability in both studio and live environments.

Backline Srl
Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

P.I. 12491290156


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